10:24 PM


I am f.r.e.a.k.i.n.g.o.u.t. In a good way. But still. I keep thinking that this is my last night as a single woman, in a lot of ways---because tomorrow I will be engaged.

Shhh, that's a secret, by the way.

I know it's happening. I know because Steven and I officially established that yes, we are going to get married. We established it on Sunday. We've talked about it for a long time (and my sister and I have secretly emailed wedding plan ideas back and forth for a couple of months now!) but whatever it was that was making him hesitate... is gone.

And then, because he is horrible at keeping secrets (maybe because we tell each other pretty much everything? or at least share all the details of our day) he told me on Monday that he was, at that moment, at the mall buying a ring. Joy, hyperventilation, butterflies freaking out in my stomach... yup. The early part of this week was torture--wondering when it would happen, dying to see him but also wanting him to have time to figure out how to officially propose, feeling fairly certain that if he saw me he wouldn't be able to wait... But we finally established that it wouldn't be before this weekend.

We had a date last night. Our last official "just a boyfriend/girlfriend" date. ;) It was nice to spend an evening together with no pressure. I told him he has been a wonderful boyfriend. It's true... I've looked forward to a future with him, but I have loved where we have been, as well.

He kept saying he didn't know what to do. That all the ideas in his head sounded too corny. I finally took pity on him and googled websites with proposal ideas and sent them to him. I didn't read them first--just found ones that seemed to have a good number of ideas that the average guy could pull off (not over-the-top ideas like hot air balloons and jumbo-trons.) I also told him the K.I.S.S. rule. He had never heard of it before! Keep It Simple, Stupid! Because real life is not like the movies, and extravagant plans requiring to-the-second timing have a high probability of something going wrong.

I know he is planning Something for tomorrow. Dinner is certainly included. I can wear jeans but he wants me to look nice, too. Suggested I wear a shirt he has admired on me in the past. (Does he remember it's a sleeveless shirt and it has been in the 40's all week? Probably not.) I'm worried that whatever his plan is, it's not simple. He has indicated there are some places where timing is required. He also said that if something doesn't go exactly right it won't end in disaster, though. I'm trusting him and trying not to stress about it. ;) This one is out of my hands!

I kind of wish I could get a bonk on the head and lose my memory and go into tomorrow not knowing what's coming. It doesn't really bother me, knowing that he's going to ask. Knowing the exact day and general time is maybe a little more info than I would have liked... but we are one another's best friends, and gosh darn it, it's hard to keep secrets from your best friend!

I've been biting my tongue all week, trying not to tell anyone. My sister knows he was buying the ring. I broke down and finally admitted to a couple of coworkers today that I thought it was coming soon.

Aaaaaaaah!!! I'm such a bundle of nerves. This is... huge. A life altering event. Things will never be the same.

They'll be even better. :)

So, to wrap things up... Things I Love Right Now!

1. All things French Bulldog

2. McDonald's Monopoly

3. Sleep

11:46 PM

Things I Currently Love:

1. This guy!

2. This adorable French Bulldog, named Snow White

4. A classic 50's silhouette