11:31 AM

More wedding stuff...

So the wedding is less than 9 months away. I'm trying not to freak out too much. ;) We hit the single digits and I realized my long engagement isn't so long anymore. Steven and I are meeting with a pastor here in town tonight to do some pre-marital counseling. The pastor at the church we're getting married in requires the counseling but wasn't going to make us drive back and forth to do it. As long as it's within the Missouri synod, it's good. Crazy Lutherans.

I thought it was kind of weird to be doing the counseling/getting to know a pastor who wouldn't be performing the ceremony, but apparently Lutheran weddings are very cut-and-dried. Not a lot of chatting about the couple. Which kind of sucks, but oh well. What matters is that we get married, not whether the pastor makes charming anecdotes. As long as he doesn't launch into a 30 minute sermon on the evils of fornication, I will be happy.

We met with a potential caterer a couple of weekends ago and I came away feeling depressed. If we have the minimum number of people come and if we go with the most affordable package, our catering would still come in $200 over budget--and that's BEFORE taxes and the 18% gratuity. Ugh. I don't really know what we're going to do. This is the cheapest option we've found. We pretty much don't have money for the reception. Nothing for table linens or centerpieces. We'll have to really cut back in other areas to have extra money for that stuff. I keep thinking of more things we need to fit into the budget... and the budget does not grow proportionally! ;)

Enough of the depressing.... on to the fun stuff.

Hairstyle Inspirations
1. Hairstyles! My inspiration board
Hairstyle Inspirations made using Polyvore
2. Cake!
We did place a deposit on the cake.
4 tiers
Bottom tier: Spice cake with cream cheese filling
2nd tier: White cake with buttercream
3rd tier: Chocolate cake with dark chocolate filling
Top tier: Marble cake
All frosted with buttercream.
Will look like the pictures in the top row, but the tiers are "petal" shaped, not round.

4. Flowers!
Flowers by shgarlow on Polyvore.com
White flowers, NO green flowers, featuring white amaryllis along with roses, hydrangea, etc.

5. Steven helps to DIY our Save-the-Date cards!
6. The Save-the-Dates themselves... we're stamping and heat embossing them. It's taking a while. I've been lazy.

7. My green wedding shoes!