7:26 PM

I'm writing a little earlier tonight so maybe I'll be coherent! Writing when you can barely keep your eyes open isn't the greatest plan ever.

I have to say that I have an awesome sister. She is completely thrilled about my wedding and is doing all sorts of research to help me plan. I think it must be easier when you aren't the bride--although she pretty much single-handedly planned her own wedding, so part of this must just be her nature. :) She knows the answers to most of my questions--or is willing to find out. She's another one of those people who isn't afraid to write an email, pick up the phone, and contact whoever she needs to get information. I get next Wednesday (Veteran's Day) off from work and am going back to my hometown where the wedding will be. My sister is setting up appointments all day long to help narrow down reception sites, churches, etc. Plus we'll get to have lunch with my mom.

My sister has already sent me dozens of emails with tips and suggestions and links for my wedding. She's actually putting together a spreadsheet with information about different reception sites, so I can compare at a glance. Have I mentioned that my sister is a-may-zing? Heck yes. I've already told her "thank you" and how much I appreciate her help about 299834 times... I'm betting there'll be a few million more before this is through!