10:50 PM

Internet, why do you fail me?

I love the internet. I am the kind of person who, when faced with a question, will Google first. I am 10x more likely to search a company's website for information than I am to pick up the phone and call.

Sometimes, though, the internet fails me.

I don't understand why companies/businesses/vendors go to all the trouble of making a website, displaying their wares, showing off their services... but won't give a hint as to what they charge. Honestly, even if it's a ballpark figure--give me something to go on. If I have a budget of $1000 and you, bare minimum, charge $3000, save yourself and me some time and put that info out there for people to find. I appreciate that when a customer calls for information you have the chance to sell them on the merits of your service and why it's worth $3000 or what have you. Still, though---a budget is a budget, and if you're not in my budget, I don't want to waste the time. And honestly? If you insist that I "call for pricing", chances are... I won't. Now you don't even get the chance to try.

Also, in this age of streaming video, why do certain major broadcasting companies choose not to put full episodes on their websites? Really, CBS? My favorite shows are on CBS, but I don't want to be a slave to my television 3 nights a week. It'd be nice to be able to catch up on Criminal Minds or NCIS at my convenience. But considering that both of those shows are CBS shows---please, can there be some sort of crossover episode? Or better yet, just put Garcia and Abby in a room together and see what sort of magic happens. Oooh! Or Garcia and McGee should totally hook up. That would be awesome. Even just one little episode of sweet nerdy flirtation. *sigh* A girl can always dream... right?

The time change sucks, as usual... It was pitch black when I got off of work tonight. At 6pm! SIX! Really??!!?? Ugh.

Top televison loves, without pictures because I'm too tired:

1. NCIS. It had to grow on me, but I love Tony's puns, Ziva's precise grammar and culture confusion, McGee's goofiness, Ducky's endearing nature, Abby's goth/nerd glamour, and of course that subtle Gibbs smile that he only reveals when no one is watching.

2. Glee! A new favorite, but the songs get stuck in my head. Someone had a great video clip of the cast singing the national anthem at the World Series on Facebook today. It was delicious.

3. Criminal Minds. I'm not so avid--I rarely sit down to watch this one on TV (hence my current frustration), but I love the relationship between Garcia and Morgan. Morgan is just straight up eye candy. Spencer Reid is so adorable, too. I like that there isn't really a focus on forensics for this one.

4. Grey's Anatomy. I haven't been glued to my TV this season, or the tail end of last, but I always surf the internet and try to keep up on what's happening at Seattle Grace. A bit of a guilty pleasure.